Our enterprise clients

  • No-stress Employee Feedback

    Forget about repetitive work, stress and anxiety. Review your employees in an engaging, stress-free way.
  • Learning + Feedback go the same way

    Assign learning content to skills. After the training or course, skills will automatically update in the user profile.
  • Save your time with templates and Skill Profiles

    Save your time by copying the existing employee feedback template and save your time. With Skill Profiles, designing the template is quick and easy.
  • Find the talents and identify high potentials

    With HCM Deck you always know who’s the right employee to invest in. Find people who’ll bring your business to the next level.
  • Turn skills into profiles

    Organize knowledge about positions and skills in your company.

Build a feedback-friendly company

Gather precious feedback and add value back to the organization with HCM Deck's Employee Feedback.

  • Skill Profiles

    Make your skills information standardized, organized and ready to use.
  • Analyze, compare and review skills in the company

    Search and compare people with specific skills or conduct a skill gap analysis for the whole company, department or employee.
  • Welcome to the competency matrix

    Visualize the required and available skills in your org.
  • 360, 180 and 90 Degree Feedback

    Run any kind of Employee Feedback cycle with no spreadsheets and chaos.
  • Skills are updated automatically

    When you finish Employee Feedback, competences will automatically update in your employee’s profile.
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