What's new on Deck

What’s up on Deck #3. Great news: newsletter


We’ve got good news. Literally. Now you can create a company newsletter whenever you want in HCM Deck!  

What’s new?

Our company newsletter product is connected with your company’s knowledge base. It’s a solution to create beautiful and attractive internal newsletters in minutes.

In just a few clicks, you can add news and attachments, arrange them and see what it will look like in the email inbox. 

Then, you just schedule the company newsletter for a specific date and you can relax. HCM Deck will send the updates to keep everyone on track. 

Here’s what it looks like in action:

And yes, it’s mobile-friendly ? Here’s what your employees see:

An example of company newsletter in the HCM Deck platform

They can also access all company newsletters straight from HCM Deck:

Company newsletter -- how to access it from the menu in the HCM Deck platform

What else?

During the last couple of weeks, we also added some more improvements:

Time restrictions and identity verification before tests ⏱

Secure remote testing requires some extra steps, and we’ve added these for you.

Now you can verify the identity of the participants (e.g. with their ID number) and set up a strict time frame. Let’s say, the test is only available till 4 PM and the user starts filling it at 3:58 PM. Precisely at 4 PM, they will be logged out. Thanks to these changes, you have full control over the rules.

Attachment preview in the knowledge base ?

You don’t need to download all the files from the knowledge base to access them. Now you can preview them in the browser! The preview works for images, MP4 videos, and PDF documents.

Oh, and all attachments have dedicated icons now! You instantly know what you’re looking at:

What’s next?  

Of course, we’re not stopping there! Here’s what’s coming next:

Many shades of your company ?

Yes, yet another way to make HCM Deck yours. You’ll soon be able to add multiple color palettes on the platform. If there are many different brands within your company, you’ll set up a distinct identity for each one of them.

Going global ?

We’re also preparing a set of features to make HCM Deck truly international ? 

  • Time zones –  If you’ve ever scheduled events across time zones, you know figuring it out by yourself can be a nightmare. Soon it will be automated across the whole platform. No more misunderstandings! ✈️
  • Multi language content – You’ll soon be able to localize your educational content in HCM Deck. We’re adding the possibility of uploading the same content in different language versions ?

Looks like that’s all for today ? Till next time!

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