Our enterprise clients

  • Everything in its right place

    Org Chart helps you gather essential contact details – emails, telephone numbers, departments, manager’s names etc.
  • Information at hand, just when you need it

    Org Chart lets you quickly look up contact info to anyone you need from you company. Forget about the painful searching in vain.
  • Get a big, up-to-date picture of your company

    When you have to update your executives about changes in the structure to the C-level, you don’t have to design a new document.
  • Hello, welcome! Check the Org Chart

    Org Chart is essential during onboarding. It will help your new employees learn about the company and their place in the structure.

Everyone at a glance

Find people in your team and get an up-to-date picture of your company.

  • User card

    Display as much info as your employees need – an email address, telephone number or… birthday.
  • Search bar

    It couldn't be simpler – just type someone’s name, surname or position into a search bar!

Better together


A space where people can get together

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Goodbye, email! Hello, instant messaging

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