Our enterprise clients

  • Emails are so 1990!

    It's hard to run a discussion by email. With Messages, you’ll forget about nervous inbox refreshing and SPAM.
  • Your non-desk employees in touch, not in distance

    Give non-desk employees software that will make them feel part of the team.
  • Culture is built upon a communication

    The modern messaging app can help you establish a positive employee experience and culture.

Send the right message

HCM Deck's internal chat tool helps make communication fast and easy.

  • Emails are so 1990!

    Share your thoughts, ideas and news with anyone in the company.
  • ...or you need to talk with more people

    A joint project to talk about? Add up to 30 people to and start the conversation.
  • Available as iOS and Android app

    Download an app and stay in touch outside
    of the office.
  • Who will you talk with?

    Search by name, surname and position.

Our values

Why choose HCM Deck?

  • People first

    We believe in a human-to-human approach and we're people-centric in the way how we design products and provide services. All this with an exceptional customer and user experience.

  • Agile approach

    You can start work with HCM Deck very swiftly. It won't be a project that drags on for years. We are agile, in the way we consult, deliver, and think about or solution impact.

  • New mindset

    The world is changing, so is Employee Development. We're looking forward and ensuring that your employees use the best of the breed in the field.

young female employee against an orange wall

Better together


A space where people can get together

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Org Chart

Get an up-to-date picture of your company

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